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Department of Public and Cultural Affairs

Telephone: +886 (89) 517678

Political Science, Ethnic Politic, Ethnic Identification

▲ Research
My research interests include kinship, gender, migration, religion and social change, and Austronesian comparative studies. My work on Catholic processions centered on Mother Mary and traditional ritual practices of the Amis in their homelands has been published in internationally ranked journals like Oceania and The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, and in leading international journals like Social Sciences and Missions. It has also been published by Taiwanese journals like Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre, and Folklore. My new research turns to Amis migration to urban areas, particularly how their Christian practices enable both continuity and transformation of Amis culture.

▲ Education
PhD, Anthropology, the Australian National University
MA, Anthropology, National Taiwan University
BA, Anthropology, National Taiwan University
