Maritime Anthropology, Visual Anthropology, Filmmaking, Symbolic Anthropology
▲ Research
My research interests are Visual Anthropology, Historical Anthropology, Ritual and Performance, ‘Amis People, Taiwan Indigenous War Experiences during the Pacific War (PNG), Indigenous Social Movements, and Maritime Culture among ‘Amis People. I have two books for public readers focusing on Anthropology and the Indigenous war experiences in PNG from 1943 to 1945. I also have published several award-winning documentaries. Currently, I am making a documentary on underwater spearfishing men among ‘Amis indigenous people in eastern Taiwan in the title of “Breathing Between”.
▲ Education
PhD, Anthropology, National Tsing Hua University
MA, Instructional Technology, Tamkang University
BA, Educational Media and Library Science, Tamkang University
▲ Publication